That Girl Thing

Proverbs 31:30 “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

Sunday, May 9, 2010

You are amazing, so perfect, so delightful. You are the thirst quencher, the one who makes all things meaningful and purposeful. You are the one who makes the light shine upon our soul, our heart and our mind. You bring hope when rejection curses us, you bring joy when pain pounds upon us, you bring strength when we are weak and tired of pressing on, you bring peace when our hearts are troubled, you bring endurance when our feet are tired of running. You bring love to us who are so unworthy, who don't even deserve to merely stoop in your presence. You bring us, the most selfish and evil creatures, a gift that we don't deserve to even hear the mention of. You bring us the gift of salvation which brings us the hope of a love that won't be shattered, the promise of a bright plentiful future and the clean slate that erases all our yesterdays. You give us your paintings in the sky, and your sculptures in the forest. Your peace and glory radiates ever beaming from your eternal sun that never changes. Why, merciful God, have you chosen us to love? Why have you chosen to give us your son and all the beauty of the earth? Forgive us for putting you aside and not choosing you. Forgive us for our repetitive sin that always strikes our weak hearts that need to be strong in you. May we seek you Lord and may we choose you everyday!


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